Category: News Articles

  • How to Find Data for AERMET: Upper Air and Land Use Data

    How to Find Data for AERMET: Upper Air and Land Use Data

    When I was in elementary school in the 1960’s and 70’s, if you needed to look something up, like relevant dates, historical figures and events, etc., you would go to the library. Being too young to drive to the library, I often relied upon the encyclopedias my parents had bought many years earlier; 1955 to […]

  • AERSURFACE Season Values

    AERSURFACE Season Values

    The surface characteristic values used by AERSURFACE are based on the land use classification by season. In the AERSURFACE User’s Guide, five seasons are used as defined below: Seasonal Categories Category Description 1 Midsummer with lush vegetation 2 Autumn with unharvested cropland 3 Late autumn after frost and harvest or winter with no snow 4 […]

  • Mapping Land Use / Land Cover Codes from NLCD1992 to NLCD2011

    Mapping Land Use / Land Cover Codes from NLCD1992 to NLCD2011

    If you do chose to use land use data from the USGS that is more recent than 1992 (NLCD for 2001, 2006, and 2011), be aware that the classification schema for the newer data is slightly different. The table below show the mapping for the classification codes. Mapping of LULC Codes Between NLCD1992 and NLCD2011 […]

  • How to Find Data for AERMET: Surface Data

    How to Find Data for AERMET: Surface Data

    We are all familiar with buying a product that requires assembly, typically furniture or some kind of toy-like contraption if you have kids. The expectation is there will be a list of parts (all identified), a list tools necessary for the assembly, and instructions taking you step-by-step through the process. Sometimes, there are pictures and […]

  • Selecting Weather Stations for Dispersion Modeling

    Selecting Weather Stations for Dispersion Modeling

    This article has been updated.  To see the new version, go here. AERMET Made Easy: Selecting Weather Stations “The determination of representativeness should include a comparison of the surface characteristics (i.e., zo, Bo and r) between the NWS measurement site and the source location, coupled with a determination of the importance of those differences relative […]

  • Welcome to NaviKnow…..

    Welcome to NaviKnow…..

    A couple of years ago, I was sitting in a sandwich shop in Brooklyn enjoying a meal and drink while reading a guidance document on dispersion modeling (yes, I am dedicated). I went through a paragraph or two describing the proper procedures to follow. It wasn’t clear the first read through, so I read it […]